in which i discuss in a very self-conscious way my low self-esteem.
i was lying in bed reading shakespeare for class last night. my roomate (let's call her J cause it's easiest) comes in. She was tiptoeing because she couldn't see my booklight.
Me: i'm not asleep you don't have to be quiet.
J: oh. what are you doing then?
Me: reading.
J: i'm pretty sure that's not good for your eyes.
Me: well, it's a booklight, meant to light books.
J: ok. can i ask you a question?
Me: sure
J: how long do you snore when you sleep?, i don't know. i'm asleep. does it like wake you up?
J: sometimes.
Me: i'll just sleep with my face in the pillow.
J: no no no. i just if i say your name that's why.
Me: ok. that's fine. you can throw something at my face if you want.
J: no i won't. night
Me: night.
I really don't give a shit that my snoring wakes her up. The point is. I snore loud enough to wake someone up. So I can just add that to a long of list of why no one will ever be with me.
I hate my life this morning all because she said that.