Wednesday, March 30, 2011
i knew that if i wait long enough
that the toilet paper standoff would end. i had a hintling of an idea that this might happen, but only in my wildest dream. he#1 got toilet paper before cool hipster got home and i guessed she would and she did indeed also buy toilet paper. YES! SUCK IT WORLD!
oh by the by
there's a toilet paper standoff in this dorm. as in, i just bought a 12 pack during spring break and i refuse to buy toilet paper, and everyone else refuses to buy it, too. so we don't have toilet paper. i'm going to the subcellar to pee. i refuse to buy toilet paper. i just bought it. the end.
inconsequential blog
i want dumpling. if your name is alex niedt, you already know this. if your name is jess idell, please assume i will always want dumplings for forever. that is all.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
i have a lifelong headache
life makes me feel this way. ^
it's 5 o clock, do you know why my room mate is AFUCKINGSLEEP?
cause i don't. except to stop me from doing anything in my room. what the actual fuck?
blogging for the sake of blogging
there is no actual point to me having a blog, twitter, tumblr, facebook, and whatever else i have that i can't remember right now. but i do have them. and i do update them. well, not the facebook, adults found my facebook and whenever i update about anything there is a comment from my uncle (my dad's brother who much like my dad, i've never met), my pastor (watching my every status update like a hawk), or his wife (who i like but only ever comments "i miss you"). i guess i update this blog cause alex told me to. also because i want a gold star for today. also because there is a certain blogger *cough fabnico* that NEVER updates. and it's very troublesome for my life.
i have some thoughts for today though. on the subject of anton chekhov, who i was annoyed at then liked now i'm annoyed at him again. i read all these articles about him. two written by russian authors in the same time and one an interview with ian mckellan. what annoyed me was that the articles painted a very clear picture of anton chekhov. he was a nice guy. a really gentle, humble guy. he didn't have a temper. he wasn't cynical at all. while reading his plays i got the impression that he hated the world like a 14 year old girl who just got her period for the first time. i understand he wasn't writing the way ibsen was, to point out what was wrong with society, but chekhov did point out what was wrong with society. he just didn't aim to. so i'm annoyed at him. he was probably handsome too. he was like the edward cullenovich of his time. well, more like the dr. carlisle cullenovich, cause he also saved fucking lives. like he wrote plays that are really quite well written and thought of it as a small hobby, because he was a doctor first.
so there you go. blogging for the sake of blogging on anton chekhov for the sake of anton chekhov.
Monday, March 28, 2011
on a unrelated note
just kidding. it's all related. cool hipster just washed he#1's dishes. does she read my blog? on top of that. i found out hipster ken's real name. zach. and he has a girlfriend. sorry, rosie. but he is still really smart and if we were supposed to pick lab partners i'd shout out his name real fast so i could get him first.
he#1 noticed that we threw out her tea (it was nearly done, just taking up 2 gallons worth of space. and thinks that cool hipster is passively aggressively not washing her dishes on purpose. i was like no. i wash my own dishes. cool hipster washes her own dishes. he#1 says that she knows sometimes cool hipster washes everyone's dishes, so she thought she was just leaving out he#1's dishes and washing everyone else's. no. no. no. no. no. no one is washing cool hipster's dishes but cool hipster and she only washes them when she needs them. so shit will sit out for days. and i wash my dishes immediately after dirtying them because i want to go nowhere near that disgusting sink. so he#1, you're not washing your own dishes. no one is attacking you. get the fuck over it and fast.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
food rant
sometimes it actually grosses me out how unhealthy people are. AND I'M HELLA UNHEALTHY. i mean, i've been known to dabbled in the art of the iced cream. but to me, there's a difference between well meaning things that aren't good for you and scary-ass things that are terrible for you. i've pretty much eaten well today. i had like a mug of ice cream after my dinner. but there is a line between a mug of ice cream and 46 oz of mountain dew. the difference being, sugar, caffeine. the difference being that mountain dew is a lifestyle choice. maybe that's it. i have a problem with people being ignorant about what they put into themselves. i'm from the school of thought that if you know how bad for you something is, it's less bad for you. it's not true. but it's a mindset. i know that i cannot possibly eat mcdonald's for breakfast, quick chek for lunch, and burger king for dinner BECAUSE I WILL DIE. it annoys me that people my age think they're invincible. because i know i'm not.
don't get me wrong, you can have your cake and eat it, too. and if you don't finish your slice, i'll prolly be all over your plate, but i can't mindlessly put shit into my body everyday. cake is for birthdays. energy drinks are for--- ok never cause they increase your heartbeat and i have heart problems in my family. caffeinated beverages for all nighters. cheeseburgers for hangovers. and tacos for your period.but some people should just plug themselves into an IV of lard.
ps- if you think this is about you, it's not. ESPECIALLY YOU ALEX NIEDT. i'm not buying it. you eat right. it's about person A. who gets on my nerves a lot but doesn't ever read this blog.
pps- do i have food issues?
i have one plate
one. not two. one. and so because of this i assume that no one will use it. mistaken. and when someone uses your shit you'd expect them to wash it. mistaken again. i just had to wash my plate after it's been sitting in the sink. there's a reason my plate's never in the sink. it's because the sink is disgusting. i don't put anything in the sink. i just immediately wash it. for sanitary reasons. so fuck all away from my plate, bitches.
i changed it.
but for now it's just basically to get rid of the shoes and the purple. right now it's just a picture from
something else.
i would really like to change this fucking stupid template i have but i can't. i keep trying and it won't let me.
today is the first day...
i guess the real point of the gold star chart is to encourage life's little things. i feel better about myself if i've done my homework. or successfully interacted with humans. why not get a gold star for that shit? [i should also note, that i've already gotten two stars (to be edited in a bit) and i've been up for 15 minutes]

Saturday, March 26, 2011
i overheard my room mate last night
screaming (btw she only has one volume: loud) outside my door eating mcdonald's with her friends drunk. it's 2:30am. that's a totally acceptable time to be out on a friday night. it really is. but here's my question. why did you have to stay right outside my door? why not at mcdonald's? why not in the student lounge where no one can hear you? but i overheard her saying some things that bothered me.
1. she was telling cool hipster (who had gotten in just a little before that, sick from her first four loko experience) that she wanted to have a room mates dinner. CH could cook korean. RM could attempt thai though she says she's not a very good cook. and then she said. "But they don't need to make anything cause American food is shithole." I don't know why I was offended by this. I mean, America doesn't really have its own food cause its made up of so many cultures. The only true American food is like a hamburger or a hot dog but even those derive from some other culture. I guess I was just insulted for America.
2. As she and her friend stumble into my room (which is pitch black as I am trying to sleep but can't seem to) she shushes her friend and says "we can't yell or else my room mate will be bitch." She can't control her volume anyway and is shushed by her friend. I literally have never given her a problem. I tell my problems to this blog. I have said one thing to her. That I think she should clean the bathroom because her four guests left it flooded. Since then everything was kosher.
It's really weird to hear what people are saying when they think you're asleep. btw, i'm a pro fake sleeper. i've heard at least three people's opinions of me by fake sleeping.
2.5 hours later, someone on the fourth floor thought it was a good time for the fire alarm to be pulled. so i go outside into very cold weather with my pajamas on. there was no fire. and while we're on the subject of overhearing things, 65% of students standing out in the cold were saying something along these lines: "there better be a fire." or "i'm so mad at whoever pulled that alarm." i think this is stupid. here's why.
1. you do not actually want a fire. you're trying to be clever by exaggerating. it didn't work.
2. if you actually want a fire, you need help. because that's saying you wish harm on your own and other people's belongings. also there were definitely people who weren't awoken or evacuated. so you're wishing them harm too.
3. how can you be mad at someone who pulled a fire alarm? i think they did to be funny. it wasn't. but what if they pulled it because they thought there was an emergency? maybe they started a small fire in their dorm and panicked and were probably drunk or high.
4. when the fire dept came (and they did) and didn't find anything, you were even madder at whoever did this because you were asleep or cold or whatever. i just feel like everyone needs to get over themselves. why am i the only person who ironically knows how to cooperate? because usually i'm spiting left and right for the sake of nothing.
but i did learn something. hipster, artist, burnout, party girl, musician, actor, scientist, freshman, no matter who you are. everyone looks the same in their pajamas. how cool can you be in sweatpants and a t-shirt? pretty fucking cool, in my opinion.
Friday, March 25, 2011
one more thing about that credit card debt. so i figured out that i had it when i kept getting calls from a 1-800 number. and i didn't answer cause i don't answer numbers that aren't in my phone book cept on special occasions. well, when you DO answer this number. do you know what the machine says? hello, this is a blah blah blah. please call this number (same number as the one that called me) today. wait wait wait. i just picked up the phone. and you want me to call the number i picked up for. THATS WHY I PICKED UP THE FUCKING PHONE. that's why i picked up the fucking phone. then when you call the number. it puts you on hold and doesn't offer you any sort of suggestion for what you're supposed to press or what it's regarding so you really have no idea. point being: MACYS SUCKS. and i don't care if they see this and fire.
i just nipsed the shit out of bank of america
so when i was a younger nicer person and i saw that i had fees on something, i'd pay the fees. oh no, bitch, not today. macy's had a collection agency out for the $50 i owed on my prepayed credit card: meanwhile, i am still technically employed by macy's. so in trying to handle that i went onto my bank of america site to see what their routing number looked like (my pnc one was a hot mess of not enough numbers) and in clicking found out that the savings account i had opened 4 months ago had three maintenance fees on it. that's peculiar as i distinctly remember opening one because it had no fees for 6 billing cycles or 6 months. old ashley would've gone to an atm and put her precious $10 into her savings account. new ashley called bank of america and got them to refund $15. yeah, i won $5. suck on it, world! ps- i learned this from nips, hence the title. nips is the queen of emailing, calling, fighting her way into better customer service. she gets coupons for free shit. she gets discounts. she gets her way. that's why she's nips.
i also figured out the routing number and got my macy's card paid off. i feel like such a bamf today.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
nips: why are you in your dorm? why don't you go out to a museum or something?
me: .... cause getting there would cost money.
but really. nips. we just talked about how i don't eat out cause it costs money.... but i should spend the money on going to a museum. i love museums. know what i love more? EATING.
i don't know what's wrong with me! i'm not angry at he#1. i'm not annoyed at my roommate.
i can't be mad at someone who's grandpa just died. plus, before she told me this i realized that whatever i decide to do with my living situation next year, i will not have to see/be friends with/clean up after/tolerate/not yell at he#1. because i will not see her. we aren't friends. so there will be no need for seeing her. so i decided to just let it go. everything she does. i don't have to deal with it forever, so i can't stay mad forever.
next my room mate, she is not a mean person, just inconsiderate. but she said something to me that really made me feel bad. she said she missed home. and then i realized. her home is thailand. not hillsborough,nj. she can't just go there and fight with her mom for a weekend. she has to wait months. they don't even speak the same language in this country. and they have an 11 to 12 hour time difference. so at midnight she called her mom. and i wanted to cry. she was so incredibly sweet and they were singing and laughing with each other. after she talked to her mom. we talked. the way that sisters do and friends do at sleepovers-- in the pitch black trying to fall asleep.
now: to alex niedt. if you miss home, i'm really sorry. and i'm sorry that i hate going home cause i'm sure you'd love to see your mom and winston and your brother and your crazy aunt.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
there is this kid in my class. my shakespeare class. he wears cosby sweaters and worn out vans and chucks. and hipster glasses. but they're not fake. i think he's the smartest person on the planet. wait that's not true. i think he's the most intuitive when it comes to shakespeare. which means, he's sexy. for being smart about the bard. everytime he opens his mouth rainbows come out. rainbows of magic and intelligence and i wish that he could talk about shakespeare all day everyday. he's like the hipster kenneth branaugh. but way less cocky. he shall be henceforth known as hipster ken.
today while speaking on the "twoness" of hamlet. one person commented that hamlet is the only single in a play of doubles. someone else asked what about horatio? well hipster ken was on it. explaining that horatio sort of becomes a combination of the character horatio and the character marcellus and that their are discrepancies with the character of horatio for this reason. he went on. but you get the drift.
you guys, he's like my own person sparknotes.
on a way sadder note: he#1's grandpa died. like i said, i don't want anybody's grandpa to die. so rip he#1's grandpa.
Monday, March 21, 2011
this is my 100th post.
too bad it is gonna be kind of a downer.
i'm in a really depressed mood. i feel like i can't do anything right. like i can't even focus. i'm mad at myself. i've always been horrible at letting things go. awful, truly. it feels really lonely. which is why i'm mad at myself. i just have a lot of feelings. funny, but true. i have a lot of feelings but just because i have them doesn't mean they work to my advantage towards my writing (what writing?) i can't even write. and this upsets me most. because i'm supposed to be able to write. if i can't write, what can i do? cause right now, it feels like nothing.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
hair of the dog
i don't want to drink anymore. i apparently downed more than i expected (half a bottle of bicardi in basically an hour) and puked my way around nyc. we never got to our final destination because i had to get off the subway because i threw up in the subway car. then outside the subway car. then on the sidewalk. then in a pizzeria bathroom (where i also passed out) then in two to four plastic bags. then on the subway station again. i am so incredibly embarrassed. and hungover. and i really don't want to drink anymore. i know people say that, but i basically think it everytime i drink. like 'why am i even doing this?'
you can refer to my last post for details on the why.
i'm really sorry. specifically to jess, ashley, brian and joe.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
blogging on the cusp of maybe getting drunk soon
i very currently have a half full tumbler of rum and coke. hoping to repeat. know what i'm not hoping to repeat? leaving this fucking dorm. because stupid room mate sucks major balls. i walk in. after a completely stressful day of travelling with frozen meats on my shoulder. and i cannot get to my side of the room. there is a huge open suitcase. on top of that, there are three people in my room. STRANGERS. my room mate is not with them. Y U Suck so much? my bed has FOR SURE been slept in my hair dryer is on the floor. my soap has been thrown out of the shower. my towel has been covered by someone else's. who's? time will tell. how do you not realize you live with someone else? HOW DO YOU SUCK SO MANY BALLZ? i need to know.
i look pretty. and i'm ready to go out. isn't it weird how when you're drinking the drink almost immediately warms you? like you can feel it? why does it do that? on another note, i've finished my tumbler. i'm all warm and i want to know why.
do tell me in the comments.
and also tell me why my room mate is such a ... a... a... ball sucking inconsiderate cunty twatty person.
is that too harsh? don't care. i'm warm.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
new jersey makes people fat
maybe just me. nips feels so bad about me not eating a lot that she cannot stop feeding me. ever.
so unhappily fat.
Monday, March 14, 2011
you can tell when i really like someone
when i write a scene for them.
and i really like andrew garfield.
also usually, no, always, the scene sucks. hard.
i think it's because i watched two of his movies yesterday. and before that i'd only seen his lovely mug on tumblr.
(pauses and goes on tumblr to post two pictures of andrew garfield)
anyway, he is really good. i was impressed.
on a general note, the social network was just good. i couldn't find a suck in it. it does this sort of thing where your feelings a pushed. what i mean is, usually in a movie when it's a bad guy, you are against them, but there really isn't a bad guy in real life or in this movie, the problem is your protagonist is actually a pretentious fuck. so you get angry cause he can't keep his mouth shut. you get angry when he listens to someone he shouldn't. you get angry cause he is incredibly selfish. but you still like him. you hate mark zuckerberg and you love him.
back to andrew garfield. i'm realizing now that in both movies he was basically the audience's way into the scene. because he was the one everyone related to. in the social network, definitely. in the imaginarium of doctor parnassus, maybe not. but either way, he was handsome. very very handsome.
also if i ever write a scene based on someone IRL and it doesn't suck. i must not like them very much. there are some scenes in nebraska to this effect. there is a whole character in nebraska to this effect (jack).
but i love the scenes that suck. they hold a special place in my heart. i once expanded a scene into a play. that play actually has a film in my head. oh rupert grint. it's ok. one day.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Saturday, March 12, 2011
nips just called me.
to tell me how well it went at the foster lady's house with missy. great. i'm glad. she seemed happy. good.
then... nips... decides to be a cunt.
no other word for her.
nips: "Be realistic, ashley. there is no way you will be ready to take the dog back in 2 years. Why can't you just let her go?"
UM WHAT? idk mom why didn't you have me aborted? we wouldn't be in this fucking mess if you didn't want to get knocked up by a heroine addict who died leaving you to fuck me up on your own.
Friday, March 11, 2011
Thursday, March 10, 2011
this one time
i decided, after avoiding it the whole entire day, to venture out into the rain for protein, a trip that takes you to the grocery store less than a block away. i bump into he#1 on the way out. i have very low blood sugar and i am very cranky. when i get to the grocery story she texts me. "where are you going?"
sidenote: she doens't text this to make sure i'm safe. it's because she wants something.
so i say the grocery store. and she asks me to go to duane reade for fizzle skittles..
but what i say is: that's out of my way. it's pouring. i don't have rainboots or a hood or an umbrella. no.
when i bumped into her on the way out, she had gone to duane reade. she remembered to buy herself a beer. but forgot her skittles.
where does one grow a set of balls that big as to ask someone to go out of their way to get someone else something they forgot?
take a breath. i spoke too soon.
those dishes are not done. i think she washed her fork.
the rest remain. day count: 10.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
big news: he#1 has done her dishes after 9 days on them being in the sink!
i cannot handle the happiness and clean sinkery that comes with this moment. i'm gonna have to just go to bed i just cannot emotionally handle this.
spring break just started.
my teacher cancelled my thursday class. and my friday class is cancelled, too. no class until monday, march 21st at 10am. until then, i will be on the internet.
room mate up date
yeah i'm still unsure if roommate is roommate or room mate.
i do know that update is one word but for the sake of separating words... yah
so. my room-- my roomm--- RM, she just walked in and looked at me and said "Don't worry, we're leaving. We don't want to bother you."
I literally didn't move or scoff. I said "hey."
then by listening in i hear, she's leaving for 10 days.
she didn't tell me this.
i just had the worst nightmare ever, i was assistant to these two tv show creators/hosts one of which was kate hudson. and they would make people fall asleep then bash their brains in with a hammer. and the people would wake up and not remember cause they'd hit them in just the right spot with the hammer. it was so disturbing. there were all these people with huge dents in their heads walking around acting normal. even babies, which my dream self knew was not possible as their skulls are particularly soft. then i heard them on the phone with a tv exec talking about their next big show which was to be the rosebowl. also at the beginning of the dream the male tv hosts wife needed mascara that i had to run to duane reade and buy. well, when i heard they were going to the rosebowl, i was like i'm sorry sir i have to go your uh wife needs more mascara. and he knew i was lying and i ran to my room to run away. basically when i get to my dream dorm/room/old townhouse room hybrid i get to about getting my shoes on until i wake up, sweaty and really scared of kate hudson.
nightmares suck.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
are you suggesting that i asked he#1 to come to union square with me for blog material???
cause i did. but only for you. and by you i mean jess and alex.
so... she has this eye thing. and because of it she can't possibly do her homework she's got to spend ALL BREAK catching up... on one class.
yeah. so then she asks me if she should throw out her eyeliner... that she used after her eye got infected. it's liquid liner. uh, yeah.
so she goes to buy a new one. but before that she has to call her boyfriend and ask him if he'll buy it for her. i couldn't hear his side of the conversation but i know that she replied with "but i need new clothes! for spring!" so he agreed to buy her both things. also, this is how she actually got him to buy it "ok, i'll get it and you can pay me back." WHAAAAAAAAT?
she is a conundrum. and then when i looked at her she said "what? he has a job and like benefits." yeah. cause he works hard for them. and you spend them. on chanel eyeliner.
more material to come.
the story begins
about a week ago. when he#1 asked me makeup advice. always happy to help there. she asked me which $30 dior mascara she should buy.... yeah.... i happen to have tried a deluxe sample of one of them and it was amazing. so i told her to buy diorshow ectase. so she hops her little butt up to sephora to get the sales associate to try it on her. yeah. use the tester mascara....... nooo. NEVER EVER USE TESTER MASCARA. the best way to get an eye infection is to use someone else's mascara. it's happened to nips many a day. but i wasn't with her in sephora. and it happened. and she bought the mascara.
and she got an eye infection. so she goes home to NJ for the doctor. this is another thing that doesn't make any sense. she has health care from home but she didn't use the health care waiver. so essentially her parents are paying for both health cares. oh. that makes perfect sense....
and she writes on my wall (complaining of course): "On Saturday I bought the DIorshow Extase mascara but, because it is an investment and I wanted to make sure I liked it, I had one of the Sephora makeup artists try the sample on me first. Now I have a serious eye infection and might have to throw out my new $30 dream mascara I got to use once. MAKEUP"
to which i reply. return it. sephora takes everything back and they do!
to which she says : "I have to check if I still have the receipt."
to which I say: "Never throw out a receipt from sephora. They take everything back."
I go back to type something else FIVE MINUTES LATER and she had deleted my post.
So as we've learned about he#1 she makes excuses that don't make sense. So instead of doing everything she can to get the $30 back. she will say she can't and eat it.
also. because she's been gone, her dishes remain.
8 days.
Monday, March 7, 2011
Sunday, March 6, 2011
new york and caring
i have been trying to sleep for 2 hours.
thinking it would be short and not a two hour conversation when my roommate asked me if she could skype with her friend i said yes.
i tried everything. i tried headphones. i tried pillow over the head. i tried scuffing around so she'll take a fucking hint and SHUT THE FUCK UP.
but she won't. she doesn't understand whispers. she doesn't understand not slamming her fists against the wall/bed/computer.
she is an inconsiderate robot. born only to break me down to my most base level of bitch.
at first i was angry. infuriated. i literally wanted to rip her face off.
then i realized, i'm not angry, i'm incredibly sad.
because this girl represents my relationship with new york.
it makes me sick that there is a complete lack of common courtesy. i live with 3 other girls. 2 of them lack courtesy and any self-concept whatsoever.
i truly wanted to cry because she represents the part of new york that doesn't just not care-- it doesn't care about me.
i feel like no one here actually does. and while yes this is part of moving to a new place and adjusting, i don't know how much this will change. the large part of new york will always talk loudly while i try to sleep. that's just the way the fucking cookie crumbles. it's unfortunate. but it's true.
oh btw, i've gone back to angry. TWO FUCKING HOURS. you'd go through a lot too.
he#1 hasn't been here since saturday morning i guess. i don't really have any clue. and she didn't tell anyone she was leaving. so today i decided to text her since all her like toiletries were still in her room. and i basically texted her asking if she was alive and safe cause no one had heard from here. i threw in a joke. no response.
she came home. she's alive.
point being, i don't even like you and you can't even tell me you're alive.
her dishes are still in the sink. count: day 6.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
i was going to take to this blog and say something along the lines of "love is only something that happens on the office."
but for me to say that would be for me to infer that love is not real.
it is real.
for people brave enough to do something about it.
as for me, love is only something that happens on the office.
hey everyone
i just woke up at like 10, and it's 50 degrees! that means by like 12 it will be closer to 60! yay! warm weather! yay!
wait a minute..... this means i have to shave my legs soon.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
i'm about to cut a bitch up in this bitch.
i come home after an exhausting (but fun) day of travelling two and from new york twice in a 24 hour period. i open the door. you cannot walk through the little hallway to the rooms. why? he#1 has taken it upon herself to put all her recycling next to the bin? why? because the bin is full. but here's something. she doesn't know how to fold the boxes up. so she doesn't. and i can't get to my room without jumping over her boxes. i need to build a bridge. but he#1 is asleep. and doesn't understand that i loathe her very existence and that she is a slob who isn't even considerate. when i am sloppy, i don't mess up things for other people. i'm a considerate slob. this one can't even be messy correctly. so in my anger and talking to myself i go and snatch up all the boxes and put them in the recycling room. someone's getting a talking to. ps- the sink smells like spoiled milk because of her. cannot handle.
you are like some shitty messy inconsiderate mess making fucked up robot that the comies created to destroy me, right?
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
this is why i like cool hipster.
CH: hey gothic lady.
Me: *frowns and looks down*
CH: you look hot.
Me; Oh! thank you.
then we continue to complain about he#1 for 30 minutes.
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