Monday, February 28, 2011

the only people upset with my decision are the people who didn't help me when i asked.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

something else.

he#1 is the kind of girl who will say "that's so funny." or "that's hilarious" instead of laughing.

do not want.

i want more laughter in my life.

i don't hate you cause you're a hipster.

i hate you cause you're lazy.

i made a garbage schedule so that the garbage will get taken out weekly. it was he#1's week. the chart says to take it out on friday. i mean, if you wanted thursday would be fine, too. she doesn't take the garbage out until 11:30pm. she's been home all day. no friday class. just sleeping. all day. she doesn't do homework. i know. ok fine. so then i go to throw something out and there aren't any garbage bags.... really? so i say that she needs to put bags in them. she asks me where the bags are. i know she knows. i told her the day before. she's just lazy as hell. so then there's only one bag. (we have three bins) first, she tries to put the bag onto the bin. she can't. she just really can't figure it out at all. which leads me to believe she's never put a garbage bag on before, or she's so lazy she wants me to come to and do it for her. newsflash: i'm not doing it for you. so i explained to her. and then she said i guess i should go to cvs for bags. and i say yes. and she says she's not going alone.... why not? cause she's lazy. has nothing to do with the time of day. and she doesn't care that i've wiped off all my makeup, that i'm wearing rolled up sweatpants because i want to wash everything i own, that i don't want to go cause it's not my garbage day. she says she's not going unless i go. so i go. cause we need garbage bags. we get back and she once again acts as if she cannot put the bag on. and she says to me "it didn't work." so i say "try again." i'm missing the complication here.

while we're out getting garbage bags. she keeps complaining how she texted her friend here and said she really wanted to go to a bar (she's not social) and her friend texted her back and said "we're at a bar! come meet us" she starts complaining, how she has her two friends 'roping' her into going out with them. poor you. it must be really hard that people want to spend time with you. "but they're going dancing. i just want to go to a bar." so to get this straight.... you want to go to a bar. and sit. and then sit some more. and then sit some more. k. just making sure.

this girl is unbelievable. i didn't know that people like her existed. because she literally wants no responsibilities. not for her actions. not in the suite. not financially.

i guess what i'm trying to say is. as inconsiderate as my roommate can be. she has her good points.
the only good point in he#1 is that she gives me her fancy samples when she orders expensive shit. and the only reason she doesn't want them is "they mess with my ocd" cause they're small.....
i don't have pride issues here. i'll use a sample up. samples are free.

Friday, February 25, 2011

he#1: i so wish i had white doc martens right now.
me: (looks as outfit and notices she's wearing a lovely crocheted white sweater and black skinny slacks and a nude sparkle headband) i don't think you need doc martens
he#1: why not?
me: i don't think it does with anything you own. i mean like your whole thing is this retro french audrey hepburn deal.
he#1: are you calling me fat?
me: WHAT?
he#1: no cause the whole reason people can't wear doc martens is cause only skinny people can wear them.
me: i...don't... think that's true. and i didn't say you were fat. i was simply asking what you would wear them with.
he#1: oh. (puts on plain black oxfords and leaves for starbucks)

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

excuses that don't make any sense.

he#1: i'm really trying to find a black and white striped shirt. but the only kind american apparel has is men's and it's this awful crew neck.
me: oh. try
he#1: yeah i mean i just have a lot of trouble navigating the site. there's just so much stuff on it.
me: yeah.... which is why it will probably have one


Sunday, February 20, 2011

RM pet peeve of the day

whenever she's agreeing with something she sounds like she's being sexually pleased.

it's always 'mmm'

it makes me and george michael (bluth, you know my only friend) uncomfortable.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

he#1 gets some competition

let's call her RM, roommate. he#1 has created more trash in this dorm than anyone. I've got pictures to prove it. She won't do her own dishes, she doesn't take out all this trash she creates, and she's just plain ole lazy. But this is old hat. We've heard it all before.

And just in time, for part of my problems to be solved with a garbage taking out schedule, RM steps in. Here's a little conversation between RM and myself

RM: Are you going home this weekend?
Me: I don't know I might. I was going to
RM: Well, that'd be perfect cause I'm having people over.
Me: Oh, well, I mean, I don't really have a reason to go home anymore.
RM: Oh really? Shit. I mean it'll be two girls. So they'll be one on the floor
*SUBTEXT* If you leave she'll sleep in your bed
Me: I'm probably going to be here.
*SUBTEXT* over my dead body, bitch.
RM: We're going to go out so we won't be home til like late
Late to RM means 5 am. as you'll see.
Me: Ok. I mean I don't wake up too easy so that's fine.
RM: Ok. I'm gonna go to sleep
Me: Ok.
It's 4pm..... I now cannot do anything in my room because RM is a light sleeper. hence why she doesn't sleep here. i snore.

later that evening. her friends arrive.

30 minutes later, she introduces us.
they speak thanglish the whole night. half thai half english. they are loud. they are skinny so i hate them and they look not slutty in slutty clothes. does not compute.

they leave around 11:45ish to go "predrink" or as we say pregame.

i decide i should go to bed around 2ish.

they come in hours after i've fallen asleep. i don't know what time it is. they are i don't just say that because they woke me up at what i would later know as 5am. i say that because they woke up the girl in the room over who has a bed furthest from the door. and her door was shut. she got up and told them to stfu. but meanwhile before that, while i was in a half asleep stupor i shifted as to show them that they had woken me. and RM's friend says "Oh! your roommate." subtext: we're waking her up. to which RM responds in thanglish basically 'oh well who cares.'

then at 6am. this time i checked my clock. for FORTY MINUTES someone's alarm was going off. who's alarm? i have no effing idea because they were passed out cold. it went off for so long that i actually fell asleep, had a dream about the alarm being mine, woke up to check, and found out that it wasn't.

then around 10:30, i have to pee. i try to get up to go to the bathroom, and there are piles of shit blocking the already tight space between the beds. and once you get past the piles of shit you have to successfully walk over someone's legs to half open the door to squeeze out to get to the bathroom. i did not sign up to play legends of the hidden temple to take a morning pee.

then i go back and lay down. as it turns out RM is the one on the floor. she gets up and i shit you not, starts iChatting. does she use her headphones? does she turn the volume down? no. she speaks in very loud not whispering thai. there are literally three people asleep in a room and she woke everyone of us up. followed by her going over to the bed where her two friends slept saying: wanna go do brunch? they get up and start to get ready and as this happens, RM goes and lays down in her bed and falls asleep.

so i think from here on out RM is now he#2. not because she's any less of a hipster enemy than he#1 just because the hipster enemies list keep growing.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

that quarter boob thing became unfunny when i woke up this morning with two quarter sized rashes on my boob.


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

i think i might dye my hair.

to dye or not to dye. hmm

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

so i went to buy a gatorade from the vending machines in the cellar last night. i also needed to get my mail which is on the same floor. so i bought my gatorade and put the .50 change in my bra. hey it's only two quarters. this morning when i went to the bathroom to shower i took off my clothes (as you do) and two quarters came out. yeah not that astounding. except that in between the mail room and the shower the next day, i actually changed bras. they have suction powahhh.
he#1 had a loud argument with her family on the phone today. outside of my open door.

and then when i closed the door.
she knocked on it and proceeded to tell me about the argument i already knew about.

and then i went into the bathroom after she came out of it. and the empty toilet paper roll was on the holder. we have toilet paper. in fact right next to the toilet. she didn't change it. so something tells me she wasn't raised properly.

if you finish the toilet paper, you switch out the toilet paper.
if you put your garbage in the bin and it's full, take it out.

what kind of family doesn't instill these sorts of things into someone?

does not compute!

ps- after this whole thing happened, she was like, i'm gonna take a nap which in he#1 code means sleep until the middle of the night when i will wake up and have loud conversations outside your room so you can't sleep and you're grumpy in your classes.

he#1. i loathe you.

Monday, February 14, 2011

remember that time

hermoine punched malfoy? i'm adding that to my list of things to do before i die. i want to punch someone like draco malfoy in the face.
i like posting exclusively about he#1 because it gives my blog a purpose. to expose this hipster enemy. so just to catch you up: still talking on the phone outside my door.
but now, when she's being needy and demanding, i say very quietly to myself : i hate you. it makes me feel like i'm in a movie.

here's a little conversation between three people in my suite... the third part cool hipster (ch) is he#1's room mate. i like her. i was under the impression he#1 was asleep (cause she always is) so our convo when a little something like this:

me: ch, come here look at my new lipgloss!
ch: oh wow. that's really nice. it's mac? oh. are you wearing it?
me: yeah
ch: it looks nice. now i want one.
me: yeah. oh hey, ch, do you want a chocolate?
ch: no thanks. i'm ok.
me: ok.
ch: what? (offstage) what? he#1 says she wants a chocolate.
me: well, i didn't ask you he#1 you selfish little jerk! you have a valentine. you don't understand. go back to sleep!
he#1: i never sleep. that's why i'm always so tired.

me: no you always sleep. that's why you make excuses for yourself and sleep during the day.

... no want he#1

Saturday, February 12, 2011

he#1 strikes again

she takes her phone calls with her boyfriend in the hallway pacing between my room and hers. and by conversations i mean baby talk mixed in with accusations and begging for him to come see her immediately.

i should preface this by saying she openly brags to everyone about how her boyfriend is rich and how he will pay for anything expensive for her. she literally said to me in front of him that "i wanna go to a nice sit down place that's expensive cause he's paying for it." i heard her on the phone telling her mom what they did for the day he was here and she prefaces each item with it's price. a $5 earl grey tea. a $20 tofu burger. etc.

he#1 is in fact hipster enemy #1. this is how she proves to be so.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

hipster enemy #1

the suitemate. this is the only place it's safe to vent.
i have not witnessed her clean a fucking thing in this dorm. and i'm here quite often.
she has no problem fucking it up. she has no problem saying "i do dishes. i take the garbage out. i'll help." speaking and doing are two different actions. i haven't seen her clean her own dishes. i've never seen her clean the garbage (though she's not afraid to see the pile. and place her shit next to it because it'll slide off the pile). this is a message: if it looks like there's no room for your garbage, TAKE THE FUCKING GARBAGE OUT. and then, you won't have to sit in your fucking room, on craiglist, looking at me like i've got three fucking heads and they're all speaking a different language, while i throw everyone's shit away.


i've been watching too much skins so i'm swearing a whole fucking lot. and doing it all in my head with a Bristol accent. fuck it.

all hipster enemy #1 does is complain. i've got so much reading to do. i've got so much writing to do. i haven't slept for days.

actually, bitch, you just slept the whole day away, the day before also, and reading and writing? i'm sorry. you must've done your finger painting homework on the bus, then?

he#1 as she will be henceforth known as gets under my skin. maybe it's my low blood sugar from barely eating, maybe it's the fact that i have a million things on my mind, or maybe i just genuinely do not like he#1.

Monday, February 7, 2011

a quick little post about degrassi again

i hate that manny blames peter entirely for boobgate 07. manny you chose to get drunk. you knew you were being filmed and you took your top off and said "i'm gonna be famous and you can sell this for a million dollars." peter sent it to everyone but you never took responsibility for your actions.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

i'm listening to the spice girls...

yeah. i'm rocking out.
ever since i was little my mom has always tried to get into my head and try to infer that my friends aren't really my friends. it's a nice little tactic she uses in being a bitch.

and she tried it again today.

i think that she does it now because i have insecurities about my friends not being my friends because she did it then.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

why am i honestly about to cry watching degrassi?

i don't know. it probably has something to do with my low blood sugar, my inner sadness, and my lack of things to do on a saturday. i do pause it. to get my laundry.

besides declan and holly j's undefined relationship, there's really nothing going on in my life.

i need snow boots. and some clothes probably. and an iPhone. and a macbook. i need a lot of stuff. well, need is the wrong word. want.

i miss alex niedt. if she were here, my life would be far more interesting. there'd be fruity yogurt and trips to the mall and more importantly friendship. alex is the kind of person you could spend every day with and never get tired of her. and hopefully never have her tired of you either.

i really do like new york life. i like my room. i like doing laundry and checking my mail. i like reading plays and listening to people in class (even if they're not all that smart). but there's one thing that the new school doesn't have it's a welcome wagon for 21 year old transfers who aren't very social.

i think one professor likes me. she told me i have good ideas.
and i think my playwriting class recognizes that even though i'm new, i can write.

i don't know what to say really. there's no real point to this entry except to say hi alex. i miss you. i hope you enjoy my entry. and your night out.

:o) hi rosie.