Tuesday, March 29, 2011

blogging for the sake of blogging

there is no actual point to me having a blog, twitter, tumblr, facebook, and whatever else i have that i can't remember right now. but i do have them. and i do update them. well, not the facebook, adults found my facebook and whenever i update about anything there is a comment from my uncle (my dad's brother who much like my dad, i've never met), my pastor (watching my every status update like a hawk), or his wife (who i like but only ever comments "i miss you"). i guess i update this blog cause alex told me to. also because i want a gold star for today. also because there is a certain blogger *cough fabnico* that NEVER updates. and it's very troublesome for my life.

i have some thoughts for today though. on the subject of anton chekhov, who i was annoyed at then liked now i'm annoyed at him again. i read all these articles about him. two written by russian authors in the same time and one an interview with ian mckellan. what annoyed me was that the articles painted a very clear picture of anton chekhov. he was a nice guy. a really gentle, humble guy. he didn't have a temper. he wasn't cynical at all. while reading his plays i got the impression that he hated the world like a 14 year old girl who just got her period for the first time. i understand he wasn't writing the way ibsen was, to point out what was wrong with society, but chekhov did point out what was wrong with society. he just didn't aim to. so i'm annoyed at him. he was probably handsome too. he was like the edward cullenovich of his time. well, more like the dr. carlisle cullenovich, cause he also saved fucking lives. like he wrote plays that are really quite well written and thought of it as a small hobby, because he was a doctor first.

so there you go. blogging for the sake of blogging on anton chekhov for the sake of anton chekhov.

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