Thursday, March 10, 2011

this one time

i decided, after avoiding it the whole entire day, to venture out into the rain for protein, a trip that takes you to the grocery store less than a block away. i bump into he#1 on the way out. i have very low blood sugar and i am very cranky. when i get to the grocery story she texts me. "where are you going?"

sidenote: she doens't text this to make sure i'm safe. it's because she wants something.

so i say the grocery store. and she asks me to go to duane reade for fizzle skittles..

but what i say is: that's out of my way. it's pouring. i don't have rainboots or a hood or an umbrella. no.

when i bumped into her on the way out, she had gone to duane reade. she remembered to buy herself a beer. but forgot her skittles.

where does one grow a set of balls that big as to ask someone to go out of their way to get someone else something they forgot?


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